Friday, September 19, 2014



I'm Donna. Some of you may know me by another blog name - A Writers Life In Progress.

I've had some tough choices to make lately, and if you followed me before and read my last post, you know what those were. Life has excellent lessons to teach, and sometimes I learn from those lessons, even if I don't agree with the eventual outcomes. Live and learn, right? So, here I am again. Starting over. I don't entirely remember how I built up the last blog concept, so this site may be under maintenance for a long time while I figure it out.

While I'm figuring things out, I'll be visiting my old pals and leaving comments with this new blog name BOOK LOVER,. I hope that is what happens. I'm not tech-savvy and I'm not finding all my old info on this new blogger template. Much different than when I created my first blog. Revamping is not a technical skill I've learned.  Wooh, I'm dizzy with all the changes! I may have to add my former name, and perhaps the signature that everyone has giggled about (dhole), in my first few comments on your blogs.

Before I deleted the old blog, I spent a lot of time reviewing it, reading old posts, remembering people and interests over the last five years, noting how I've grown as an author and blogger. I will miss seeing my perpetual growth, but need to live in the present.  In deleting me, I found I also deleted a lot of content from fellow bloggers, and that hurt my heart more than erasing my personal info from my blog. But as I've grown, so have all those I've consistently interacted with over the years. Change is inevitable

So occasionally I'll be resurrecting that old blog to pull up author interviews, book reviews, and such writerly stuff. I'll let y'all know when I'm reposting something and you can let me know if you want to resurrect it as posted, or make updated changes. I got all your e-mail addresses, of course.

However, if you followed me before, and are willing to follow me here, I have a request: please unfollow me at the old blog and delete me from your blog roll. Yes, I'll feel the knife in my heart (briefly). But it is necessary, as I am re-imagining myself here. A second chance, ya know!?! And, I don't want to show up in your blog roll for a few minutes, or few days, and have you confused and wondering what's up with me. Testing. . . .

To make any changes to a blog, there has to be a first post. Well, here it is, the first under my new identity. Any suggestions how to make it awesome? Let me know in the comments please.

Now I'm off to find that "customize" button and figure out how to put the parts of me that always pleased Me (without being too personal) back on my blog.

Anyone know how to put a "followers" gadget on this thing? The Google+ gadget is the closest I've found and it doesn't have a button to click on. I'm so lost .. . (found the followers gadget; thanks Dezz and Alex)