Wednesday, May 2, 2018

IWSG: Spring Inspiration

Hello Peoples:

I've been out all the month of April. I did not visit anyone cuz I really needed the break. I don't participate in A to Z as most of my online friends do; and I just find it easier to not post or visit at all during April. Congrats to all the A-Z winners.

I suppose that is my answer to this month's IWSG question: It’s spring! Does this season inspire you to write more than others, or not?

If we are talking "write more" when it it comes to blogging, then I guess my answer is NO. I am not inspired to write  a lot of posts so I can comment on a lot of posts. Hmm, not that I'm opposed to commenting; I really do visit about 100 or so posts every month for the IWSG. Except April. I take a break.

But I think the IWSG administrators want to know if I write more in general during Spring (this year March 20 to June 21). And that answer is also, NO.

I'm a white white girl. The sun and I are not friends. I don't pink up and tan; I burn as soon as I'm exposed more than 15 minutes and my skin never acclimates to the sun with a beautiful shade of brown. Which doesn't take spring or summer to burn me. Despite my sensitive skin, every moment I can be out walking, destroying my yard, or just sitting under an umbrella in my yard, I'm there. If you've ever taken your computer, cell phone, kindle, iPad outside, you know the screen and the sun just isn't compatible.

And when I go inside? Well, over the last couple of years I've gotten out of the habit of writing in the evenings. Most of the programs I especially like during the fall and winter are taking season breaks, and I've made a blog goal to write more during 2018. The need to rewrite two complete novels should get that goal accomplished, lol.

I went to a writers workshop this last weekend, and did learn a few things. Got some insights, and inspiration. I'm hoping completing "writerly things" also counts as writing. I've been researching a couple characters for new stories, making a plotline (I know, weird for a pantster!)

I'm getting there - slowly.

Thanks for stopping by today. I'll be hopping around the Insecure Writers Support Group linky and visiting as many participants as I can. Be sure to visit/thank your host Alex J Cavanaugh, and co hosts: EMA Timar, J Q Rose, C Lee McKenzie, and Raimey Gallant.

And: hot off the Dancing Lemure Press, the third IWSG Anthology: TICK TOCK, A STICH IN CRIME is now available in print and e-book. Check out the IWSG books page for details.