Wednesday, May 6, 2015


Its that time again.  The first Wednesday of every month is officially Insecure Writer’s Support Group day. Post your thoughts on your own blog. Talk about your doubts and the fears you have conquered. Discuss your struggles and triumphs. Offer a word of encouragement for others who are struggling. Visit others in the group and connect with your fellow writer - aim for a dozen new people each time.

Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!

Alex's co-hosts this month are: Eva Solar, Melanie Schulz, Lisa Buie-Collard, and Stephen Tremp. Be sure to visit and thank them all for their support.

April flew by for me, and while I did not participate in the A-Z Challenge as many of my friends did, I was quite the busy bee off-line. The days here in NorCal have been beautifully warm and sunny, perfect for cleaning the winter (what winter?!?) sludge from the yard and house. Gads, I'm losing my pale complexion (as in: freckles are taking over, I don't really tan). I have so many outside projects I didn't think of blogging, or writing, and missed lots of deadlines for my critique group. Eeek, sorry CPs!

Luckily some much needed stormy weather rolled in during the last week and I remembered that some days I'm a writer, lol. I scheduled some blog posts, wrote a couple reviews, read some excerpts for the group, and opened a couple unfinished WIP for revision. Hopefully I won't slack off so much during May . . .

Now that everyone has survived the annual April Challenge, are you ready for some down-time off-line? Looking forward to home and yard projects as the days get warmer and longer? Unless you live down-under, and perhaps the days are getting shorter and colder. Opposites are fun too.

I am looking forward to hopping around the blogs and seeing what everyone is gearing up for during May.


  1. I freckle rather than tan as well. Often I just fry to a crisp.
    Sounds like it was refreshing for you, Donna. I have a few things to do outside. Did some of them last weekend while I was detoxing from the Challenge.

  2. I didn't participate either and enjoyed just being a Minion for one of the co-hosts. We also did a lot of work outside including a new fence and a raised flowerbed and garden. Now to see how many plants I can kill at one time.

  3. The outside is calling and I'm answering it. :)

  4. Sometimes getting out and about is a nice way to recharge the batteries

  5. It seems that April was a hectic month for everyone whether they were doing A to Z or not. It usually is busy for me.

    I am looking forward to gardening. :)

  6. Hey, Donna,

    Lucky you. I am sitting at my computer looking out at the demeanors taking over Chicago.. It is cold, MISTY, and I can't see anything but the outline of the building connecting to mine. No stunning skyline, lake, or park. I HATE IT!

    But I am visiting lovely friends I've been away from for the past few months.

    So nice to be outside. I envy you. I want to go out now, but the cold is keeping me in. It's MAY and its only 50 here.

    I hate FOG....

  7. April was a break for me too at least from the computer - no writing at all. And then I began to worry. LOL

    Family came to visit, spring cleanig got done, gardening still in process, but opening the doors and windows to let the fresh air in after such a long winter was heaven!

    I love the cool weather of spring but 80 degrees plus is frying. I wilt! I hope summer takes as long to get here as spring did.

  8. Alex: yeah, I stay out of the sun mostly. Good source of vitamin D though :)

    Diane: lol, I have a black thumb! I've cleared a section for some flowers but haven't had the heart to experimet with the lives of any plants yet.

    Melanie: go for it!

    Pat: yep, feels good when I don't burn.

    Chrys: hope you have fun in the garden.

    Michael: ah, you're still in Chicago? One more reason to itch to move soon, I suppose. I'll think of you while I'm out and wish you were doing my yard work for me, lol.

    Yolanda: the fresh air is nice, but cleaning up the dust from all the wind is frustrating. Stay cool!!

  9. I've been pulling weeds. We've had quite a bit of rain, which we desperately needed, and the weeds are growing.
    So are the wild flowers. So pretty. I've been taking pictures of them.

  10. I love spring. And spring in northern California can be amazing. I graduated from high school in Santa Rosa.

  11. I just burn in the sun, so I stay out of it as much as possible. I must admit I rather dread summer. I love the snow-free days, but it's usually too hot and too bright out. But it's a good time to stay inside where it's cooler and write. :)

  12. Oh, the dilemma! In or out? Computer or garden?
    I have freckles too and don't tan. I'm a redhead. Maybe that's why I like the inside better.

  13. I didn’t play A to Z either. It would be lovely to say I accomplished everything I set out to do for April, but that would be a blatant lie.

    Growing up with severe grass allergies and asthma, there’s not much I dislike more than yard work. Give me a courtyard, potted plans, and a bottle of wine. :-)

    I used to tan in late spring every year, but by the time summer rolled around, it was too hot to be outside in Chico. I’d take Michael’s 50 degrees and fog any day over a North State 100.

    VR Barkowski

  14. Hey my friend, this is a fun IWSG post. I too have been enjoying the nicer weather and getting outside with a little bit of yard work. Of course, at the elevation I live, it has not been quite as nice as where you are (we have snow predicted for tomorrow) so, I still have plenty of time to catch-up at the computer. Unfortunately, that seems to be my life's work recently 'playing catch-up'.

  15. I'm looking forward to warmer weather. That means my daughter will want to play outside and I might sneak some writing time in!

  16. Last month we had a water line break (outside the house) at the house we were trying to sell. That definitely took all of my attention.

  17. I've been out in the yard some, not as much as I should be, but I did make it a few times, so far. I haven't been able to take any computer down time, but that will change next week. My son is getting married this weekend, on Mother's Day, and my daughter is marrying at the end of June, so I am counting on having a bit of "down" time in between when I can actually write! Thanks for your comment on my blog today! This particular #IWSG day is really a pleasure, more than usual for some reason... Lisa, co-host #IWSG May, @

  18. Bev: I saw your pics. Nice. We really need rain here too.

    Donna: hot in Santa Rosa usually this time of year. I do love all the green here though.

    Cherie: it will be cooler inside for me when I get an air conditioner :)

    Olga: well, reading is more fun than pulling weeds, lol.

    VR: someday you will have to come back here and visit me. We'll drink wine and talk about writing.

    FAE: Perhaps some of that snow will melt off down here. Its been over 80 and very little rain. I feel all I do is play catch-up too.

    Toni: uh huh, unless she wants mommy to play with her, lol.

    Tonja: uck, the drawback of owning your own home - you get stuck with all the repairs.

    Li: oooh, weddings. So much fun. Take notes for all that writing to come, lol. Thanks for co-hosting today.

  19. It's been getting warmer here in PA also. This past winter was a brutal one. Glad you're getting stuff done outdoors. I'm going to try doing the same.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier today; it's much appreciated. Have a great night. Eva, IWSG co-host

  20. I survived April and have been devoting time to flower beds... writing late in the evening, when I remember and don't slip into a nap!!! Glad you're back.

  21. You're right about not having a winter here in No. Cal. And I really missed it. I'm serious worried about this summer without water.

    I think it's great that you're visiting blogs that did the AtoZ. Some were fantastic!

  22. I'm in OR. We didn't have winter either. I rather missed it.

    I'm gearing up for a new book and all that jazz. And a new astronomy season.

  23. I'm in Florida, so no winter here either, but I rather like that since I grew up in Texas with winters. I like heat here too, because unlike Texas it cools down at night,

  24. Like you and Alex I'm a freckler as well. Only on my face though. The rest of me tans. (How weird is that?) I thik sometimes you just need to step back and take time off, and good for you for living life instead of being chained to the pc. Instead of doing A-Z I've been growing my social media presence. It feels a bit like a black hole though. Way too much work that I won't see a return on for a long time. But you gotta start somewhere. I hope your May goes well! :)

  25. I'm right there with you. I have a big property and do all the work myself. I should be outside working right now.

  26. There is always so much to do, isn't there? Sometimes it just makes my head spin.

  27. Dixie: I love a nap before bedtime :)

    Lee: some were really interesting, but there were soooo many. I'm hoping we manage a deluge since everywhere else is so cold.

    Mary: stargazing sounds like a fabulous activity. Good luck with the tour.

    Juneta: I love warm days with cold nights so I can snuggle under coomforter at night :)

    Lexa: ah, social media is such hard work, and lots of frustration. Too bad it has to be done.

    Susan: I get some help from my ex-hubs and the kids sometimes :)

    Karen: don't get too dizzy and fall in the cove, lol.

  28. I'm in SoCal and we're in desperate need of water. We have water restrictions but I'm pretty sure they're going to add more. Glad you got caught up on some blogging and writing stuff. I love rainy days!

  29. I can't resist gardening and being outdoors this time of year. We've had unusually mild weather too in Eastern WA, and I'm not complaining.

  30. April DID zip by!

    I'm trying not to slack off this month, either. Wish me luck!

  31. Working outside is always fun. I find it very relieving for body and mind. I'm glad you had such a good time you forgot everything else, hahaha. It's okay. Here is getting warmer very fast. People don't like it. I'm fine in my cave and heat doesn't bother me that much in here. Dragons don't tan either unless they are born tanned. I am always red, no matter what. Dragon hugs!

  32. I've dipped a toe into yard work and am eager to get out there and plant my flowers...after I buy them, of course. I find it does wonders for stirring creativity, so you didn't slack off on writing -- you were just in the reenergizing phase!

  33. Glad you had an enjoyable month. Working outside can be very satisfying, although all I managed to do in April was mow the lawn. Need to get the outside spruced up a bit, because people are viewing our house.

  34. Love the idea of outside projects! It's good to get out when spring comes :-)

  35. I didn't do the challenge and many weeks I posted once or twice, rather than my usually three times. I got a lot of writing done. I'm in Florida, but certain seasonal plants are in full bloom and so beautiful.

  36. We jumped from the 60s to the high 80s which killed my desire to spend a lot of time on outside projects (so why didn't I get more writing done). Fortunately, we're suppose to be back in the high 60s-low 70s this week so the yard/garden will get some much needed attention.

  37. I love productive off-line time. Enjoy that warm and sunny weather. It's been gray and rainy here for weeks now, and my complexion is definitely suffering. We're being productive online, sure, but I'd rather be outside!

  38. I'm definitely looking forward to the coming winter. Had some hellishly hot days recently and can do with a nice, rainy break from it.


  39. Glad you got caught up on some stuff. We all end up needing downtime, and blogging sure doesn't take precedence over everything else we need to do!

  40. Best wishes as you go about with your plans for the month!

  41. I have two colors: white and red. I don't tan either.

    I have been so busy with blog and writing that I need to make myself get some real life stuff done.

  42. not just April but the whole year so far has flown by too quickly

  43. Couldn't find you on Twitter, so I checked here. Great blog; thanks for the comment on my post!

  44. Thanks for stopping by everyone. I hope you have wonderful May month.

    Briane: ah, nope, I'm not on twitter. I have steadfastly avoided that final agonizing form of social media, lol.

  45. Hi Donna!

    I loved my April of hardly any blogging except visiting a few favourite people who did the A-Z. Got heaps of writing done which felt way more productive! Sounds like you're still chillin' and refiring those engines. I wish you well.

    Denise :-)

  46. Hi Donna.
    This year, the A to Z was really hectic due to unexpected work curve balls thrown my way.
    April flew by - and May is almost over - where does the time go?
    I'm trying to get back into some sort of blogging routine... you know the normal daily grind...
    Take care.


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