Saturday, August 6, 2016


Wow; did you notice its August already? Pretty soon it will be September, and then OMG October, and my birthday again. I think I could stop having those now, I've reached a ripe enough age.

I missed posting for IWSG! I was all set to write up my post when I discovered my battery was down to about 15 minutes- and I left my charging cord at a hotel four hours away. Ugh. Two days later I had a new cord (couldn't find one in a thrift store), was two days behind on work paperwork, slow internet access, and I was just plain tired. I really wanted to post for this IWSG too.

Oh well, I didn't really have the time to go visiting and commenting for this massive monthly event. Besides, I wrote a short story- yay me. About 3600 words, written then submitted to THE FIRST LINE magazine. (Thanks Shannon for the link.) Because I waited til exactly the deadline *hangs head in shame* I did not allow proper time for my CPs to fully crit, so I self edited and hoped they wouldn't find too much cleaning up to do (in case it is rejected and I need to find another place to submit it).

Needless to say, the submitted piece is a mess. But I had fun writing it, and will also enjoy tweaking it again, so even if it gets rejected for lack of editing, at least I wrote something. *pats self on back*

All this to say I've been really busy with work, traveling, and I'll be even more pressed for time throughout this month. I'll be working with my training supervisor again, and should be getting that iPad to make the paperwork much less a hassle. That will be fun to learn and use.

I'm missing all my writing friends, I'll catch up as time allows.

Have a great month!


  1. Sorry about leaving your cord behind. Save that IWSG post for next month.
    Good luck with the short story!

  2. No cord sure can stink. Getting a story written is grand indeed though.

  3. Yeah, I can't believe it's August already. What happened to July? Sounds like Life has been keeping you on your toes. Busy, but with a story written at least some of it is good-busy.

  4. Hi Donna - life can get in the way of blogging can't it - but it's good you're busy and occupied - yet still find time to write ... Have a good month, relax and get done what needs to be done ... keep writing ... cheers Hilary

  5. years are very harsh on us! They pass on without telling us!

  6. Busy with work is better than no work at all. You still managed to write a story though.

  7. We all miss that first Wed post once in a while. It's the human factor that cause it. That and work and family and health and. . . I'll stop now.

  8. Wow! You're a mess. I should maybe stop following your blog. Would hate to be deemed guilty by association.

    ~ D-FensDogG

    POSTSCRIPT: You can always count on me for empathy and support, eh?

  9. Hi Donna! Flat battery, erk. Not much you can do. Glad you submitted a short. Even if it gets rejected, as you say you can tweak it and resub somewhere else. Seems to be a few more opps for shorts these days.

    Keep calm and keep submitting!

    Denise :-)

  10. Congrats on 6600 words. That's great. I miss writing short stories. I can never seem to find the time because I'm always in the middle of writing novels with self-imposed deadlines (which, BTW, never work out). I miss the simple structure of them. (I'm really big into structure these days.)

  11. Great job on finishing the short story and submitting it. I'm too much of a coward for that. Good luck with it and with work. You are a busy a bee. Hopefully we'll see you next month. :)

  12. Yay for your new cord and getting caught up! I didn't do an IWSG post either. I was sick, but I'm better now. Congrats on writing a story and subbing it! It's been a long time since I wrote anything...summer just takes all the energy out of me even with A-C. Have a great August and write more stories! :)


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