Wednesday, October 26, 2016

What its like when I'm writing

This is how I feel when I'm actually writing something for publication - not for blogger post. Which is why I've been internet/blogger silent the last few weeks.

Do you crawl in a cave when you're writing on a new idea?


  1. Hi Donna - yes it can take over, but mine aren't that long usually. Glad you're into that mode - good luck ... cheers Hilary

  2. That might be the best song they've ever done...
    If you're in the zone, stay there and go for it.

  3. Stay that way and then a completed one will come your way.

  4. Yes. I find it hard to switch gears between writing and blogging. It's like they take two totally different mindsets. Good luck with your writing!

  5. I get that. Do I ever! I would love to crawl inside my writing cave sometimes, but unfortunately it's peopled with several little hands and voices, not to mention one not so little. One day...

  6. I can't entirely crawl into a cave, but definitely things like blogging and any unnecessary things fall by the wayside. I've been quiet, too, tidying up a new draft. Glad to hear you're in the writing zone. Keep it up!

  7. Love the S&G song. He does it honour, for sure. Yes, I crawl deep, or so it feels like that, until I manage to come out to go for a walk on the beach. I imagine my characters walking beside me, the sand grinding between their toes.

  8. Yes, I like nothing better than to crawl into my writing cave and forget the rest of the world. Unfortunately, the time there only lasts for a while. Then cats demand to be fed and it's back to life. But those few minutes and hours are great.

  9. When I am in a writing mood - I do like to crawl into the figurative "cave" of nature :)


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