Welcome to the March edition of Insecure Writers Support Group (IWSG). I'm on the road and will be slow in visiting blogs until this weekend, so I apologize in advance for being super late.
If you are here, you likely already know the IWSG posting details. Its been long and longer since I visited anyone new on the linky list. Sorry.
My insecurity this month? I've lost two books in my trilogy. Yeah, this sucks. I hope I find them on a missing flash drive. I don't see myself rewriting two entire books. Losing the trilogy - even though I'm not sure the books will ever sell - has me questioning if I want to continue writing. I know I have other books, stories, in me to write. But, that trilogy was my beginning, Ya know?
This months optional IWSG question: How do you celebrate when you achieve a writing goal/ finish a story?
Wine. Happy Dance. Lots of positive self talk and pats on the back. I don't currently have any crit partners, but in the past it was send off to the critique group, integrating suggested revisions, then submitting off to the publication the story was written for.
I have several short story publications, most published by the anthologies they were submitted to; but the women's fiction trilogy still sits in the computer. I have re-written the first chapter of Book 1, and fulfilled a New Year's resolution/goal (and in the process noted that I've lost the other two books); and completed some of my Finish Line rituals; but now I need to revise some to integrate the changes into the continuing work. And then, query/submit. Its been a good five years since my last round of submissions for this novel; probably two years since I last opened the documents.
I consider submitting the ultimate Finish Line ritual. I love writing, but I also love acceptance and publication. I will share with you that I intend to submit to Morrigan Books (if I locate the other two books in the series), and I hope YOU might have something also to submit also. Morrigan books is looking to expand into e-books:
Areas that Morrigan Books are very keen to see submissions from would be Horror, Dark Fantasy, Crime, Science Fiction, Contemporary, Steampunk, Urban Fantasy and Young Adult.That's my March IWSG post. Be sure to visit our host/creator, Ninja Captain Alex J Cavanaugh, and this month's co-hosts: Mary Aalgaard, Bish Denham, Jennifer Hawes, Diane Burton, and Gwen Gardner.
Areas not likely to generate interest are: Paranormal Romance (although Paranormal itself will be considered), Dark Comedy and Erotica.
If you think you have a book that is well-suited to our catalogue (please visit our homepage for further details) please send a mail to our query department
query[at]morriganbooks[dot]com with a full plot synopsis, first three chapters and cover letter, explaining who you are and your writing to date.
We are interested in submissions from both unpublished and published authors.