Wednesday, February 5, 2020


Note to self: Make a blog post to get back into blogging and writing after a super long hiatus.

Ok, I've created a new post.  Mission accomplished, lol.

Now I can go hop around the IWSG linky and read what's up with everyone else. I'll post something more interesting soon.

Thanks for visiting.


  1. Need a reminder sent the week before?
    It's all good.

  2. LOL! That's why I have a to-do list.

  3. That counts as a new post in my book! Happy hopping around.

  4. Hope you get lots of writing done! And nice to see you blogging :)

  5. Heh. At least you remembered to make a note to yourself!

  6. A post to post is the first step

  7. Ha! Nice post. You have to start somewhere, right?

  8. Alex: need a kick in the arse likely, lol.

    L Diane: yeah, I have several too.

    Elizabeth: thanks!!

    Rachna: nice to be back.

    Natalie: yup

    Loni: lol

    Pat: it seemed like a long post at the time :)

    Olga: right!

  9. Well Donna I hope your WEP story is what you post next, LOL! Looking forward to your helping us celebrate 10 years!

  10. Even when I write notes to myself I forget. I need a pop-up "ad" that says write that blog post. lol Hope you have a good month.

  11. Guess we've both been away. Getting caught up is a task, but getting there.

    How goes it? Hope you were able to spend some time writing. I know you work like a fiend!

    So happy you're back!

  12. Nice to see this post up... are dipping your toes back into the blogging world?

  13. LOL... You are too funny, Donna. I know how you feel. I FINALLY wrote a post that wasn't IWSG related. My first in a few years. I felt good...

    At least this is a start!

    Hope all is well!


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