Thursday, July 4, 2024


 Happy Fourth of July to all my citizen friends.






  1. Happy Independence Day! Good to hear from you.

  2. Hokey-Smoke & Hoo-Wee!

    You're back? You're back!
    I just now saw your comment that you left on dIEDRE's blog & I hustled right over here.

    Where did you go? Why did you go?
    Why did you return? Why did you return at this time? And... how long will you remain returned?

    You've been missed! I thought about trying to reach you but the E addy disappeared, just like you.

    Wha's new? Are you still driving all over the United States of the West?

    ~ D-FensDogG
    (But you can just call me DogG.)

  3. {*Take Two*}

    DONNA, my favorite WILD THING! ~

    Last night I managed to find your E-addy again (it was hiding behind the dust bunnies in my computer) and I sent something silly to you.

    Please locate it, read it, and send something silly back to me. If you don't, I'm going to commit suicide by eating 5 pounds of Buttered Popcorn Jelly Belly beans and wash them down with a glass of liquified creamed corn.

    Please don't make me hafta do that!

    ~ Saint D-FensDogG

  4. ST Mac: well, looky who came to call - my other Lover. Fancy Fancy! And so many questions! Your first comment hit the SPAM folder. And ya know, I forgot to check my blog after I posted this.

    Damn Dude - I hope you are still alive - easing your ego with Bloody Mary condiments. Kettle cooked popcorn would likely do the deed quicker than liquified cream corn. Oh, I'm going to be sick just thinking about all that butter. - not sure even a wine margarita could wash away that intestinal sludge. Speaking of - its 5 o'clock somewhere right?!?

    I returned just to update a post - Indy Day just seemed the right time to post something almost meaningful. I was drinking - of course - sitting (figuratively) at the boat dock watching the world burn (not lighting the fires just watching and waiting to evacuate) and decided to leave a light on my blog. Its been a year after all. Nope, not back for good - no time between jet-setting all over the northwest; skipping around and through fires, smoke and road work; and mostly, merging Dragons. Dragons need a lot of care to keep them happily productive.

    Like Farce-Book, the blogs have become stagnant with the same content, and I lack the initiative to search out new time wasters in the Webz. I still occasionally read IWSG posts to keep in touch with the writing community, but I rarely post comments on the thought-provoking offerings. And (gasps) sometimes I'm inspired to actually write something on one of my abandoned projects. Nothing new to publish though; those ideas have been smoked out of existence.

    Yep, I too feel my presence has disappeared in the Blogsphere - totally my fault. Thanks for dragging your arsenal out of your juke-box to visit me.


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