Monday, March 16, 2015

ASCENSION book release and giveaway

Lorelei Bell of Lorelei's Muse has signed with a new publisher, who is giving her Sabrina Strong vampire series a whole new makeover with new covers and titles. ASCENSION is the first book in the series (formerly titled Vampire Ascending), and Lorelei is generously giving away one signed paper copy (US only). The contest will run from March 15 - 22 with the winner announced on Lorelei's blog on April 1.

After the death of her father, Sabrina Strong is hired to solve the murder of Letitia, Bjorn Tremayne's life-time mate. She is quickly immersed in romantic trysts and danger. Megalomaniac vampires are planning to take over and rule the the North American Vampire Association for their own greedy desires.

Sabrina is not thrilled about the aspect of working for vampires in Chicago, but she needs the money, and wants to find the gorgeous and mysterious vampire who has been turning up in her dreams. Is he the one who bit her when she was ten - marked her for his own - and turned her mother so long ago?

A unique and mesmerizing mystery blending intricately detailed fantasy and romance, twists and turns of mystery in a contemporary setting, and new insights on a vampire's life including love, passion, heartache, hope, devastation, lust and longing.

    My savior was a blood-drinking vampire, and that's what he'd probably been busy with when I'd called. I stifled my desire to bring this to his attention. Usually blood on the collar of a man might mean that he'd cut himself shaving. A vampire, on the other hand, blood on the collar would carry a whole different meaning all together.
    “I'm sorry to be such a pest,” I apologized, sliding my chilled feet beneath the covers and pulled my knees up to my chest, hugging them to myself.
    “You are not a pest,” he said around a small chuckle. He settled on the edge of the bed beside me. Grasping the covers, he pulled them up to my neck. I realized I was shivering as I gazed at him, letting out little nervous gasps. The erotic overtones of having him in my room were not lost on me. I wondered what might happen, since I had invited him in—and he wasn't leaving.
    “You are cold,” he said, his face partially in shadow, the other half glowing in the light slanting in through my window. His pale skin was stark against his neatly-cut black hair, eyes, and brows.
    I reached to turn on the light. He stopped me with his voice. “No. Leave it off . . . for now.”
    I retracted my hand and settled it on top of the covers as I stared up at him.
    “You are a temptation to me, Sabrina.” His voice was low, vibrating in my ears in a way that perhaps a cello might. Calm, sedate, and yet with the promise of something wonderfully exciting, and something wicked hidden beneath the beauty of this other worldly creature here in my room. I could hardly believe it was happening. But it was.
    His chilly fingers feathered over my brow, moving strands of my hair away from my cheeks. Those same fingers slid down my cheek to the side of my neck, and paused at the pulse there at the jugular. My eyes slipped shut. Was he using his vampire charms on me to seduce me?
    He released a breath.
    Opening my eyes, I found he studied me in the dark, his hands slipping across the edge of my nightgown at the ties of the neck. I felt him loosen it, and spread the material open, availing my neck and the upper portion of my chest to him. My breath caught in me.
    “Are you going to kiss me?”
    “Yes.” He leaned in. “Do not move,” he whispered. His breath slipped over my skin as his head dipped down and I somehow not only held still but held my breath.

now available for Kindle at Amazon

Lorelei's interest in vampires came in her teens watching the original Dark Shadows TV soap, and old horror movie classics of "Dracula" (of course), on TV late at night. As a result, she found that her interests in the macabre, horror/vampire movies made others think she was odd. But she was into vampires way before it was considered "cool".

She wrote her first vampire story in the early '80's. It has never been published, but it has seen many re-writes (one of which is still a work in progress). Today, she has created a heroine (Sabrina Strong) who has to learn who and what she is from the beginning of the series, rather than plopping readers down right in the middle of things, and doing a lot of back story.

"My vampires all have their own personalities. You will not find a cardboard baddie among them. They each have their own needs, wants, and desires, and do fall in love--well, at least a few of them do."

Her writing has been compared to Anne Rice, on the gritty/dark side, and Charlaine Harris on the humorous/lighter side. Romance, horror, and plenty of action and adventure, there's lots going on in this series.


  1. Congrats to Lorelei. And what a beautiful cover!

  2. Congrats to Loralei on the release! Or, I guess re-release! I'm not so big on the vampire romance, but what L.G. said - that's a stunning cover.

  3. Great cover. Here's wishing you, Loralei, the highest of sales.

    So you were a Dark Shadows fan, too?

  4. Exciting news to have a publisher pick up your books and re-release them. I echo what others have already said... amazing cover.

  5. Congratulations to Lorelei.
    I'm not much of a vampire fan. But the cover is great!

  6. Congrats. One awesome cover indeed.

  7. LG: it is pretty

    Beers: I love a bad ass vampire

    Dixie :)

    Roland: hmm, I vaguely remember Dark Shadows.

    Dezzy: thanks, she appreciates it.

    Alex: right!!!

    Dianne: they are

    Robin: thanks

    Hi Michelle

    Pat: congrats on your newest one too

  8. I used to love watching Dark Shadows also!! The recent movie SUCKED dog turds!

    Best of luck with the book, Lorelei! :)

  9. Love the cover makeover. Congrats, Lorelei! :)

  10. Well, thank you to everyone here who made very nice comments, and well-wishes to me/my books etc.

    Yes, I sure did watch Dark Shadows. No to the movie, didn't go and see it at all.

    Thank you to Donna who posted this for me. This was nice of you to have me on your blog this week.
    Chocolate Hugs to all!

  11. Hi Donna and Lorelei - great cover and I'm sure your vampire stories will appeal to many .. cheers Hilary


    "Sometimes you gotta break some rules to set things right."

    That said above... will you please visit my April Fool's BOTB??? (Shh.)

  13. DL: I may have to check that out on netflix :)

    David: it is pretty

    Lorelei: my pleasure. Good luck with the release.

    Hilary: I usually enjoy them

    Dixie: of course :) looking forward to it.

  14. Congrats to Lorelei! Wishing her and her vampire series much success!

  15. Congratulations on the vampire book. I hope you sell lots.

  16. Congratulations to her, and good luck with the re-launch!

  17. This sounds like a blood-sucking great tale. Congratulations to Lorelei.

    Hiya Partner!


  18. Grats Lorelei! Sounds like a lot of fun.

  19. Great cover and congrats on the new publisher.

  20. That's great that she found a new publisher for an existing series.

  21. Congratulations to Lorelei! I love a good vampire read. :)


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