Wednesday, March 4, 2015

IWSG - Feeling Friendly

Hey y'all! My Insecure Writers Support Group post is really short today. I've had a head cold for about a week and haven't been feeling up to thinking too hard. My Battle of the Bands post took all my brain power. So today I'm going to set up the links to the IWSG sign up site, our distinguished host Ninja Captain Alex Cavanaugh, and the amazing co-hosts Chemist Ken, Suzanne Sapseed, and Shannon Lawrence.

I'm not feeling  productive, but I am feeling friendly enough to jet around and visit as many blogs as I can today. Plus, it gives me a good excuse to sit back in my chair and avoid the warm sunshine (not to mention all the yard work that spring inevitably heralds).

So what about you, what are you skimping out of to play online this first Wednesday of the month? Or is the one day you reserve special time for blogging?

PS: The results of Battle of the Bands - Styx vs The Driven - was a far cry from a shut out, but Styx did take the win. I was pleased at how many people debated over Drivn though.


  1. Styx won? Bummer.
    I dedicate most of today to visiting as many IWSG posters as I can. (While pausing to do work now and then. They do expect me to produce while I'm here.)
    Sorry you've had a cold.

  2. I think I feel like you today. I hope visiting others and being friendly is considered productive.

  3. I have come to accept that blogging in all of its forms is VERY productive! Especially when there are so many other activities that aren't feeling very productive, like my writing, my weight loss efforts, my get out of debt plan......

  4. I have an appointment scheduled for mid-morning, so I don't want to get too involved in anything, until I'm back home. Good excuse for non-productivity, right?

    Hope you feel better, Donna.

    VR Barkowski

  5. Hope you're feeling better soon, Donna. I'm off from work today (maybe) so my plans are to be-bop around the IWSG a bit then get some editing done :)

  6. Sorry to hear you've been sick. Hope you're getting over it. I'm just about to sign off sick, myself, which is why I'm commenting at this unusual (for me) time of day. Just waiting for the rest of the family to get off to work & school then I'm heading back to bed :(

  7. Head colds are a pain. And they seem to go on forever. At least mine does. Here's hoping we BOTH get well soon! :)

  8. I hop around just like any other day and will get work done when I'm through

  9. I hope that soon you feel much, much better. Head colds are rotten things to put up with. I am putting off visiting the bank until tomorrow to visit my friends today! So no lunch for me today! My stomach is already hating me!

  10. When I blog, I visit several blogs and leave comments but on IWSG day I go all out and visit everyone I follow who posts for IWSG day. Then I go to the list and go to at least ten new blogs. 

  11. Anything you do that shows you care counts. And let's hear it for that yard work. I look forward to those hours in the sunshine, dreaming and playing.

  12. Alex: nice you can blog from work.

    Diane: at least being friendly feels good :)

    Karen: I've stopped writing, gave up on weight loss, but filed bankruptcy and that feels awesome.

    Thanks VR. Call it marketing and enjoy the break.

    Elsie: good luck with the editing.

    Botanist: ah, I hope you got that nap in. I'll think of you each time I blow my nose.

    Thanks Stacy, you too.

    Pat: I imagine it is just another day for you and Alex.

    Roland: I eat too many snacks when I blog all day.

    Chrys: that's how I usually do it too :)

    cLee: I'm sneezing just thinking about going outside, lol.

  13. I voted Styx so I'm glad they won, but the other band's version wasn't at all bad so a win for them would have been deserving.

    Sometimes it's kind of cool to just relax with the post and spend time making the rounds. I've done that on occasion myself. Have fun!

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

  14. Feel better soon! And YAY Styx!! :)

  15. Hope you're feeling better. Enjoy your warm sunshine. It's dreary and cold here.

  16. Taking a day off is a good thing. I posted, but don't really have the time to visit as many spots as I would like.

    Your lat BATTLE was a good one. although I voted for Styx, I'm glad to see the other band make a good showing. I did think they were pretty durn good.

  17. I voted for Styx. I thought it was clear, although I do appreciate when other bands play their songs.

  18. Not skimping. Squeezing time while I'm on the road to a meeting. Get better.

  19. Hi Donna! Keep on enjoying your warmer weather. Hope that cold is gone now. I'm hard at work both with teaching and writing and family. All good. But I'm so worried about Nancy Williams. :-)

  20. I hope you feel better soon! Today was a mix of IWSG, running a billion errands, and preparing my house for company, who will be arriving any moment. ACK!

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. I am feeling a lot like what you are feeling, just want to sit back and read my blog buddies' posts.Take it easy for a day or two.

  23. I also wrote a short, easy post. Sometimes we need that to balance the time we spend on longer posts.

    Feel better.

  24. I have a feeling the spring ain't here yet....

  25. I think I voted for Drivin. No problem.
    Sorry you're not up to snuff. I'm visiting everybody once today, and the easy ones twice. So since your blog post is short, I may return. (smile)

  26. I think commenting on blogs is productive and definitely more fun than yard work. I love Styx. :)

  27. Yay, Styx!

    It's hard to get much accomplished on IWSG Wednesdays. Too busy visiting blogs. Today, I'll get more writing done. Hope you do too.

  28. Sometimes, as I know very well, you just have to throw productivity out the see time fly!! (oh, wait, wrong joke)

    Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment and I hope to find my groove again, soon :)

  29. Spring? You're already experiencing spring. It's been snowing here since 6 AM and still a few hours to go. I feel bad for hubby, he's the one who will shovel it off the driveway. But they do say 50 degrees next week.

    Wishing you well! Just send spring my way!

  30. Lucky you, with the sunshine and warm weather. Oh, yes, there is sunshine here, BUT the tempts are teetering around 15 degrees with a lovely BRISK wind.

    NOT loving being back in Chicago, that's for sure!

    Hope you feel better! I have a slight cold myself. The FOURTH this season. I never get colds usually, but for some reason the germs are spreading....

  31. Thanks for your sweet comments over at my blog. My posts / comments have decreased immensely over the past six months. Totally my fault. I've been so bad at making my rounds, and well, it shows. Wherever you are and the sun is shining, send some my way! This has been one of the longest, wettest, coldest winters I've seen in Texas in some years. Take care. :)

  32. Hi, sorry you're not feeling well - but kudos for getting a IWSG post up when you're under the weather!
    IWSG Co-host in March :)

  33. I, unfortunately, have to work every IWSG day, so I balance that with visiting blogs. I think it's great that you're visiting as many as you can! Go you!

  34. Well, I've got things to do, like post my new covers. We still have snow, and it's been below zero in the mornings. But we hope to see normal temps next week.

    Hope you feel better, Donna. I'll be sending you something for a post soon.

  35. Should have been revising, but IWSG Wednesday I try to spend as much time that day visiting blogs as much as I can! And I've had a great time doing it!

  36. I'm skipping out on vacuuming..the carpet can wait!!

  37. What's spring?? Single degree temps up here in Chicagoland today.

    Thanks for making my place a stop during your play time. Hope you're feeling much better very soon.

  38. Oh my, my comments exploded while I was away visiting everyone.

    Too bad I can't send some sunshine to those in need, and really unfortunate you cannot send me some rain and a bit of snow. Colds seem to be making the rounds with everyone - I'm better today but wouldn't know it by the nerves from a job interview. I think I need a glass of wine!

    Lorelie, I look forward to receiving the post. Did I have something to read too? I forget. Gotta check my emails.

    Thanks for stopping by everyone. Have a wonderful weekend.

  39. It's a lovely day here in San Diego, but I had to work. So here I am hopping around the best I can to visit. Hope you're feeling better. I was sick last week and didn't get a thing done.

  40. Hi Donna - sounds like it was a good idea to disappear off and visit blogging friends - hope that cold has disappeared or will have gone by the time the weekend is over ..

    Cheers Hilary

  41. I missed that bands battle...I've heard of Styx but not The Driven! I've been jetting around as you say too, visiting blogs. Coming up for air in between revisions. :) Happy Friday!

  42. I think that an excellent excuse to sit out in the sun. :) I try to schedule blog writing and visiting time, but I usually go way over! Have a lovely weekend.

  43. At least you've got sunshine! Still waiting for spring here in Scotland...

    Hope you feel better soon. I wish I could get to everyone on the IWSG list, but it's not going to happen!

  44. I hope you're feeling better! I'm skipping out on editing to catch up on visiting blogs today.

  45. I hope you feel better by now! Better to take it easy and catch up on blogging later than try to force it. Blogging or writing when I'm sick is just the worst thing ever.

  46. You are feeling friendly? That sounds like to me that you are having some writing success that you aren't telling us about yet :)

  47. Sounds like everyone is sick! I hope you feel better soon <3

  48. Yeah, hoping you're feeling better by now. Some days I just want to be a lurker and watch the world from under the covers. Always feel a little better when I get out and mingle with others, though. :)

  49. On the first Wednesday of March, I was moving house. It's great, though. Even if I carried boxes until my body ached, I was moving out of a caravan.


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