Wednesday, September 7, 2016


The question for this month's IWSG posting is: How do you find the time to write in your busy day?

My short answer is: I don't.

But the longer answer is: I make the time when I'm passionate about a prompt. An anthology theme, a scenario prompt, a special group to join, sudden inspiration from my Muse. And if I get to a hotel early enough, or a week off, I usually open up one of my many WiP and add a few words (very few), or do some editing. Or, write a book review or blog post. Reviews and posts are writing, right?

Speaking of book reviews, this seems a good time to review the first IWSG anthology PARALLELS: FELIX WAS HERE.

I'm giving it an overall 4 stars. Some of the stories were better organized (flow wise) than others, some were just not my reading style. It was an entertaining read, all the stories fit the theme, and I did not notice any technical/formatting errors. Since I had the Kindle read the book to me, I would have noted most even minor editing errors. The authors were all excellent story-tellers; many of the stories made me wish I did not have to put it down for whatever reason. Well done authors, publishers, and contest organizers.

I hear rumors that IWSG founder Alex Cavanaugh will be announcing the specifics of the next anthology today, so be sure to visit his site, the IWSG site, and this month's co-hosts: C. Lee McKenzie, Rachel Pattison, Elizabeth Seckman, Stephanie Farris, Lori MacLaughlin, and Elsie Amata. (Elsie's links are showing error)

Thanks for stopping by. I've pre-scheduled this as I'm on the road - as usual - but will be getting around the linky list through the weekend.


  1. Those rumors just might be true!
    Glad you liked Parallels. We had fun selecting the stories for the judges. There were some good ones.
    And that's how I write - when I'm motivated, I'm all out, but when I'm not, not much happens.

  2. Many days, I don't find time either.

    Woo-hoo, I scored on the formatting!

  3. Yeah, when it hits it sure can hit and away one can go.

  4. A person can only do what s/he can. Making time to write is always a challenge. Best wishes.

  5. Thanks for that review. I have it, just haven't started it yet!

  6. I've been in rehab hell, so no time for anything but finishing up the place .... which I DID! Posted pics. And now I'm selling it because I just want my view back.... It's not about the space... it'w what you see through your windows.

    Hope you'll have time to submit to the anthology. This one will certainly bring me out of hiding.

  7. Thanks for the review, that's awesome!
    Finding time is always a struggle even when you think that you have all the time in the world. Someone always has other ideas.
    See you at the WEP Challenge!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Writing a few words at a time seems to do the trick. That's how most of us do it.

  10. Hey Donna. i haven't read the complete anthology, just some individual stories. Glad to see your review. Perhaps you'll be inspired to enter the fantasy one...

  11. As long as you get words down when you're passionate about the project. That's your muse shouting at you that this is a GOOD story.

  12. A little a day is better than none a day. I reckon on averaging about an hour a day but some days are easier than others. Also I decided long ago not to count blogging so I won't be tempted to do just that instead of making progress on a novel :)

  13. Do what we can with what time falls to us. Have a great mid-week!

  14. Well dang, it figures my link would show an error ;)

    I like to count blog posts as writing because if I didn't, than I wouldn't be able to say I do much writing. I'm like you, when the mood strikes, I write. I have to be inspired. I'm not someone who can say, "At noon, I'm sitting down and writing!" It'll come out sounding too forced and sound well, cruddy.

    co-host IWSG

  15. I think it's better to just work whenever you can, and especially when the mood strikes you, than to force yourself to write when you're not really feeling it. That Muse is almost never wrong!

  16. Your answer about writing time applies to me as well. I need some strong inspiration to counter the lack of enthusiasm I've been facing of late. I really need to write some of the book reviews I've been meaning to write.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  17. Lately I'm lacking motivation for just about anything. My stories are starting to bother me in my head...not necessarily as bad a think as it sounds. I'm sincerely hoping this is something that will help me put my time to better use and get myself back into writing mode.

    On that note I had fully intended to put up a post for the IWSG this month and that didn't happen, but I'm making the effort to visit some folks in preparation for next month when I hope be baaaack. Looking for motivation and inspiration. Time I actually do have.

  18. I definitely have to be motivated. I've tried to do the "write like it's work," but it doesn't work for me.

  19. I do whatever I can to get some writing done. Every snippet counts as far as I'm concerned. :) Great review on the Parallels Anthology. Looking forward to reading it. Have a great day. Eva

  20. Guilt is a poor motivator, I'm finding. The more I feel bad about not writing. the less I write.

    There's nothing quite like having a great idea grab you. Writing from a place of joy is so much more energizing.

  21. Alex: thanks for all your inspiration :)

    L Diane: it was awesome. You are awesome.

    Pat: I love those writing whirlwinds :)

    Diane: writing is a challenge; so is life.

    Lisa: I'm sure you'll enjoy it.

    Michael: ooh baby; nice to see you surface from hell. I will stop by to see the pics. I hope you do enter this contest, your writings deserve a spot. Best wishes to you on your sales - home and writing. Sending kisses and huggs!!

    Yolanda: I'm looking forward to the challenge. Got something brewing in my head already. Your story in Paralells is one I liked most :)

    Olga: nice to be in normal company :)

    DX: I'm inspired. Lets hope I put in the time and effort.

    CG: yeah, wish my muse would hang out more, lol.

    Ian; I don't count blogging either.

    Roland: All we can do is try :)

    Elsie: "Just stay alive, I will find you!" (Last of the Mohicans)

    Beers: My muse is almost always drunk when she shows up; I have to question her motivations. We have fun while the wine lasts though :)

    Arlee: sometimes I think I shouldn't count book reviews as writing either. More like social commenting. I hope you are having fun in your travels.

    FAE: I've been missing you, not just in BotB. I'll send you a potential Date date. ((Kisses))

    Shannon: Writing and "work" don't go together for me either. Hobby writing is more my thing.

    Eva: oh yeah; even a few words is celebrated at my writing nook. Lovely to see you here.

    Laurel: lol, yeah, guilt writing just sucks. True motivation is elusive, yet anticipated.

  22. I'm putting ten minutes aside every day for writing. Even if I manage only two sentences a time, it all adds up.
    Sometimes it goes over ten minutes...

  23. Why have I not read Parallels yet? I must asap.

    There is nothing quite like a story prompt firing those creative juices. It's a big motivator.

  24. Ha! We answered the same way to that pesky question! ;-)
    Happy writing!

  25. Best of luck with your story for the INSECURE Anthology. I am a third of the way though a story for it, but a distasteful experience with another anthology has convinced me not to continue. I will cross my fingers for you. :-)

  26. You may be too busy to write, but you certainly get around to supporting others. You are a good writer friend.

  27. I find the time by not doing anything else :)

  28. Glad you enjoyed the anthology! I have yet to read it. :\

  29. Yes, finding time to write can be tough! Hope all is well with your new(ish) job.

  30. Your writing plan sounds like a sensible one to me!

  31. I've been editing my current WIP so long, I'm not sure I remember how to write. Haven't read the anthology yet, but I plan to soon. Something to look forward to. :)

    VR Barkowski

  32. Hey, thanks for reviewing Parallels!!! And yes--I figure reviews and posts count for something. I only have so much writing time, so they have to count.

  33. Hey, thanks for the review of the anthology. Book reviews totally count as writing--some of the most vital writing out there.

  34. I admire your take on making time. I don't always either but I tend to beat up on myself a bit for it. Hey, can we count blog commenting as "writing"?

  35. Glad you like Parallels. Even when I have time to write, distractions tend to keep me from using that time wisely. Hopefully I can develop better habits this fall. I'd love to finish up a bunch of small projects and start a new novel.

  36. Michelle: I agree, anything is better than nothing.

    Ellie: hello GirlFriend :) Yeah, story prompts are great.

    Roland; thanks again. I hope you don't let that anthology mishap keep you from submitting elsewhere.

    Thank you Michael O; ya know I'm for you anytime. And, there once a month.

    Dezzy: well, that's just . . awesome :)

    Chrys: you'll get there :)

    Alexia: all is good, thanks.

    cLee: I thought so, lol

    VR: ah, revision hell. Its never-ending.

    Hart: yep, sometime blog posts and revisions are my mainstays.

    Ahmed: thanks

    Crystal: Cool, thanks

    LD; I say no to blog commenting; but yes to blog writing. Its essay writing, right?

    Tamara: man, I have so many projects to catch up on . .

  37. How industrious, getting things done even while on the road. Good for you. :) And even a few words on your projects is better than none...right? *wink*

  38. Sounds like me -- I write when a story strikes me, but then find it hard to make time for edits...

  39. I'd totally count posting to your blog as writing. It sounds like you have a good handle on your time management. And I like your review of the anthology!


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