Monday, September 26, 2016


Hello All!

Normally I like to have an author interview/guest post with a book review. But, Jay has not been feeling well lately (judging by his recent posts) and I'm pressed for time. However, I was hoping a favorable review of his book would cheer Jay up somewhat.

About the author:

Jay Noel was born in New York, but currently lives in Missouri with his family. He received a degree in English from Southeast Missouri State University many moons ago. Jay is a prolific blogger, and one-time podcaster, and he enjoys connecting with writers, readers, and fellow bloggers from all over the world. Medical sales warrior by day, writing ninja by night, he is the author of The Mechanica Wars series. The first book, Dragonfly Warrior, was published in January, 2014 by 4 Wing Press. Jay loves science fiction, fantasy, literary fiction, biographies, and chocolate chip cookies. .

About the book:

The Mechanica Wars: Savage Machines Are Afoot...

At the age of twenty, Kanze Zenjiro's bloody footprints mark the bodies of those who stood in his way to protect the throne of Nihon. Now, the tyrannical Iberian Empire is bent on destroying his kingdom, and they send their steam-powered giants and iron spiders against him.

Zen embarks on a quest that takes him on the most dangerous journey of his life. To succeed, Zen must live up to his nickname, the Dragonfly Warrior, and kill all his enemies with only a sword and a pair of six-guns. He is called upon to somehow survive a test of faith and loyalty in a world so cruel and merciless, it borders on madness.

My review: An interesting world and concept. This reminds me of the fantasy/syfy novels I read as a young adult. It has a mix of western, samurai, action/adventure, steam punk. A multi genre delight. I was initially drawn to the western/samurai theme (like THE LAST SAMURAI), and loved when it transitioned into the steampunk genre. Zenjihito is a nicely developed young character, on a quest for a talisman that will unite and save the nations of the newly formed empire of Nihon. His travels have him meeting, and collecting, many interesting and complet characters. There are many story plots that eventually all come together for the climax of this story plot.

The world building is well integrated into the story and character plots. It is active, progressive, and utilizes many of the story tropes of multiple genre's. I was just a little overwhelmed by the steampunk technology;I lost a bit of interest in the story when the western/samurai story line gave way to modern artillery, and much of the timelines for the alternate plots did not align, but the characters were complex- hero's and villains alike - and intriguing.

I give this a 4 star rating. While the characters and world building were excellently drawn, and there was enough action and violence to intrigue me, the overuse of modern warfare detracted from the steampunk subgenre. I recommend this book/series to readers who enjoy the Star Wars, Rift War, Indiana Jones, Shannara Chronicles sagas.

Purchasing links:    Amazon US 

I think Jay could use some serious blogger love right now, but he is not a member of the BLOG BLITZ. So I'm appealing to the community here. Please drop by his site and say hello, and wish him a speedy recovery back into the writing and blogging world.


  1. I already visited him.
    That review will probably make him feel a little better. I like those sagas and still need to dive into Jay's book.

  2. That was nice of you to feature his book today. I hope everyone visits him.

  3. Bet that will cheer him up indeed. Great review.

  4. Hi Donna - fun review ... but I do hope Jay gets better quickly so he can write some more Mechanica War stories ... I'll pop on over - cheers Hilary

  5. It's great to read a review of Jay's book!

  6. Westerns, samurais, and steampunk? Oh my! Sounds like a fun mishmash of genres.

  7. I couldn't agree more. I loved this book. It was so different. I hope Jay gets to feeling better soon.

  8. Alex: you're everywhere, first; lol

    L Diane: me too

    Hey Dezzy!!

    Thanks Pat

    Cheers Hilary; thanks for your support.

    CLee: he has lots of great reviews at the site.

    Beers: it was pretty exciting.

    Mike: I saw your review :)

  9. I've seen this book around before. Sounds intriguing.

  10. I love dragonflies, but this book isn't about dragonflies. haha That is an intriguing mix of genres and themes.

  11. Hi Donna! How sweet of you to cheer Jay up! I used to love watching those Samurai TV series as a young kid. I haven't read a samurai book for years. I might just pick this one up. I'll pop over and say hi to Jay.

  12. Thanks for the review. Of course, having kids I can't read the words Dragonfly Warrior without thinking about Poe, the Dragon Warrior, from the Kung Fu Panda movies. But it's all good.

  13. My husband loved Jay's books. He's anxiously awaiting the whatever he publishes next.

  14. I love genre mash ups! I hope Jay is doing well and feels better soon. I was so excited when he popped into his blog a couple weeks ago, but then he disappeared again.

  15. Sorry to hear that Jay hasn't been doing well. i think a lot of bloggers are in the same way judging from activity and what I've been reading.

    I wish him great success on the book. Hopefully that would lift him up a great deal.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  16. Great review!
    I know Jay appreciates the support, I'll visit too!

    Keep reading, writing, and blogging!


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