This year I'm going for subtlety. Don't want to be too predictable, ya know, with this new blog. For Write..Edit..Publish Ghost story, I'm submitting a different kind of ghost, more commonly associated as a muse, guardian angel, or demon; and hoping it also fits the 2 Krista's category for most suspicious (although I'm over word count at 634). My interpretation of both blogfests is a twist in mythology, Judeo-Christianity, and the occult.
Oh, and I do realize the writing is recycled from my former blog. I had a reason for this, hopefully something better than I just didn't have time to create something new (beta reading, researching agents to query my novel, re-reading old works to see what to start writing on, job hunting) but I forget what the reason is . . .
The Daemon Azazel tipped the flask of never-ending draught to his lips and drank deeply of Valhalla mead, ignoring the incessant knocking at his cell door. He’d experienced the temerity of Lilith for ages, sometimes partaking of her sexuality between assignments. Lilith had been indisposed on a secret mission when Azazel had failed with King Arthur, and an eon had passed Earth side as he contemplated his purpose in the universe.
“You cannot hide from me forever Azazel. I will sit here, singing your praises, until you admit me.”
“Spare me your false accolades.” Azazel waved away the wards barring entrance to his sanctuary.
Lilith flounced through the entry as if she feared his good will would end before she could enter. Azazel smiled at her attempt at deviousness. He was sure she could have blasted through his simplistic wards with barely a thought, especially since she was the one being he never seriously wanted to keep out.
Lilith was created by Samael to be a lover and guide for Adam when the youngling El set himself up as the one God and changed his name to Yahweh. Such arrogance was unheard of in the Realms, and Azazel was as surprised as most that the Elder Gods had abandoned Earth and did not intervene to stop Yahweh’s madness.
The Daemon Chieftan Samael became the voice of opposition to Yahweh’s claim to sovereignship. Although he had not openly chosen sides in the debate, Azazel silently supported Samael’s campaign to dislodge the arrogant, fledgling God.
“To what do I owe the pleasure of your company, Lilith. Last I heard you were influencing the Queen of Sheba to corrupt Solomon.”
“Yester year’s news Azzy, Joan of Arc is so much more interesting a subject. Do try to keep up.” She conjured bread, cheese and fruit on a low table and situated it between them as she sank onto a velvet divan.
Azazel grunted as he floated a juicy papaya into his hand. It was rumored among the Daemons that Yahweh himself spoke to the child, leaving an imprint that even Lilith’s considerable talents of deception could not dissuade.
“What do you want of me?”
“My master wishes only for you to continue your neutrality in the Free Will debate between himself and Yahweh. They have agreed that certain scientists will remain ‘off limits’ to both, as long as you have acknowledged your mentorship of the scientific philosophies the individuals were born to invent.”
Even in his sabbatical Azazel sensed Samael and Yahweh’s distress at the Renaissance phase of humanity. Every Daemon in the Cosmos had been alerted to the birth of Leonardo da Vinci, but as a resident of the 7th Realm of Heaven, only Azazel had known of the prodigy’s existence prior to his birth.
“What’s the catch?”
To his surprise, Lilith opened her mind to his extensive probing. As the first demon created by Samael, Lilith wielded considerable powers, in many ways rivaling Azazel’s. When she chose to mentally protect her secrets, she was extremely effective. She allowed him to witness the agreement between Samael and Yahweh; and he garnered acceptance from both entity’s.
He thought of the possibilities of infusing scientology to human beings. Minor nudging’s against the concept of heaven and hell would be all that was required. He could indulge his natural inclinations to observe to draw him back into the Earthly Realm. And if the boy occasionally heard voices, or reported messages in his dreams? Well, it was the age of enlightenment on Earth. After much consideration, he spread cheese on a slice of bread, and washed it down with a healthy swallow from his flask.
Lilith laughed around a hunk of pineapple as he tasted goat milk instead of mead in his never-ending flask.
“Time for you to return to the haunting work you were created for Azazel.”
Happy Halloween everyone, thanks for reading. Be sure to visit Write..Edit..Publish, Krista McLaughlin and Krista Wayment for links to more Ghost and Wicked stories, or to submit your own writing to the linky's.
Happy Halloween everyone, thanks for reading. Be sure to visit Write..Edit..Publish, Krista McLaughlin and Krista Wayment for links to more Ghost and Wicked stories, or to submit your own writing to the linky's.