Friday, August 16, 2024

BotB: Thousand Years

In support of my dear friend Saint Mac (aka Stephen T McCarthy) I decided to post to this Battle of the Bands session with my version of a tribute to our lost blogger friend Far Away Eyes of the blog Far Away Series. I've know FAE for several years, but I can't entirely remember where I met her in the Blogs. Romantic Friday Writers? Maybe even before that?

A long long time ago I was a part of several prompt writing blogs that no longer exist. They were more like open Writers Group. We'd post to prompts where everyone added a line or paragraph to the shared story, or invent concepts where everyone did some research to justify. And we'd share our own writing progress. Long time ago, things that just died out over time. Somewhere in those first few blogs I participated in (2007 or so) is where I think I first met/friended FAE.

Anyway, I friended FAE long before BotB, before IWSG, or Write Edit Publish or . . lol, long long ago. FAE is one of the first online/blogger friends I met IRL. I visited her during my travels at a few of her homes - she moved a lot. She was such a character. Had a vivid outlandish life. I really enjoyed her company, both online and in person. We had great talks about family, life, writing, and the crazy shit we did in our younger days. I loved listening to all her stories, real and created, and sometimes I could not tell the difference.

Maybe I should have made this post a year ago, but FAE had become reclusive and family oriented during the last year of her life and I respected her wishes. I was happy to see some of her family's Face Book posts about her last days with them; the love that was rekindled, the relationships that were mended, the joy FAE gave and received. We should all be grateful to be that loved and cherished at the end of our days.

I'm hoping FAE would approve of my choice of a battle on this day. A message I'm sure she would send to all her family, friends, and online community. And, I send this to FAE, my friend. I miss you.

First up is the original artist Christina Perri singing A THOUSAND YEARS. Christina Perri's song "A Thousand Years" is about the romance between Bella and Edward in The Twilight Saga. Perri wrote the song with her best friend David Hodges after seeing the movie. The song plays during the credits of The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn—Part 1, and fans adopted it as their anthem for the couple's love story. wiki source

If you really know FAE, you know she was sooo into The Twilight Saga. She loved all things YA romance, but this vampire romance in particular. We had some interesting conversations about this Saga over wine and pizza. Yes I've seen the movies (I  have grandchildren of the female persuasion, but I have not read the books.) So, it seems fitting to post the Twilight Saga video. Forwarned,  here's a virtual tissue. Yep, I cry when I listen to this sappy song.

A THOUSAND YEARS by Christina Perri

Its probably unfair to give a popular, well known artist cover a place in the battle, but FAE loved the controversy and had a stubborn streak when it came to matters of opinion. One of the traits I adored most about our conversations. So here I am, a die hard Metal music fan - but when it comes to evocative Romancey type music, well I'm all about the Pop stars. And James Arthur can sing anything to me, and my saggy boobs and butt will melt to his crooning. No alcohol needed to make me sing along. One of those "guilty pleasures" things.

A THOUSAND YEARS by James Arthur

So there's my battle of the bands submission. Click the linky here to find other BotB participants. And please, don't forget to leave a comment and vote for your favorite version of A THOUSAND YEARS.

Thursday, July 4, 2024