Today is April Fools day, the first posting day for A-Z Challenge (created by
Arlee Bird of Tossing It Out), and is also the first Wednesday of the month and therefore time for
Insecure Writers Support Group (founded by
Alex J Cavanaugh). Anybody else feeling just slightly overwhelmed?
While I doubt there will be any fooling going on today (at my blog), and I am not participating in the A-Z Challenge. However, I am co-hosting April's IWSG with
Suzanne Furness,
Tonja Drecker,
Toi Thomas,
Rachna Chabria, and
Fundy Blue. With so much going on today, you can see why our Ninja Captain would need so much assistance with the
IWSG sign up list; as well our dear Arlee Bird in managing the
Challenge sign up list.
Perhaps you can guess what my insecurity today might be? With everyone I know around the blogs joining in the yearly community events, here I am doing just the opposite: a blog break. I am usually not much of a joiner, and the thought of spending an entire month visiting several blogs a day is just plain intimidating. Over the last couple years my blogging has cut back drastically. The busier I got at the day job the less time I devote to the activities of becoming a writer: writing, creating a marketable brand, gathering a potential readership, querying what little I have written.
When I became unemployed, I thought I would just dive right back into the writing world. No such luck as I worry constantly over regaining an income, paying my monthly bills, job hunting. And in all this, wondering where writing fits in my life. If I return to employment will I again focus on daily living? If I am able to get approved Disability, will I have the incentive to devote full time to writing and see were that leads?
Many bloggers IWSG for last month involved Time Management as a theme; and I'm pretty sure today will be just as big an issue for those participating in both IWSG and A-Z, plus working, writing, blogging, commenting, marketing, and somehow finding those few precious moments to divide between sleep and family. I am exhausted just thinking about all the activity.
I wish you all good luck in everything you are doing this month. Please scroll down a little more and enjoy a brief excerpt from Patricia Josephine's latest novel MICHAEL: PATH OF ANGELS.
See y'all in a month or so.
* * * *
Today I am also hosting guest author/blogger Patricia Jospehine (aka: Patricia Lynn). As I'll likely not post again in April, I thought it fitting that Patricia's post about the Archangel Michael fall on the first A-Z posting day and fill the letter A.

There is only one path.
Born mortal along with his three brothers, Michael is an Archangel with a specific role: hunt fallen angels and send them back to Hell. He is determined in his mission, never straying from his appointed path, until he meets Lake Divine, and discovers there may be more to his beliefs than blind duty.
But Lake is not who he seems. Offspring of a human and a fallen angel, a Nephilim, Lake must choose his own destiny: give in to the coldness and embrace the dark, or seek the light and rise above the sins of his father.
Two paths lay before them, but only one has the potential to destroy them both.
(Bilbo: A sword, especially one having a well-tempered blade.)
Warmth surrounded Michael, filling him with peace. Memories of his past life in Heaven flooded his thoughts. A lump formed, but he forced it down. "What do you want of me, Father?"
"I have a gift to help you on your path."
A bilbo appeared, flames dancing along the blade. Michael took the weapon. The hilt molded to his palm.
"It will listen only to your summon. Use it to strike down your foes."
Michael nodded. The warmth of his Father vanished. His brothers stood before him, waiting. He called his weapon. “We have Fallen to find.”
MICHAEL: PATH OF ANGELS is available for
pre-order here.
About the Author:

Patricia Josephine never set out to become a writer. In fact, she never considered it an option during high school and college. She was all about art. On a whim, she wrote down a story bouncing in her head. That was the start of it and she hasn't regretted a moment. She writes young adult under the name Patricia Lynne.
Patricia lives with her husband in Michigan, hopes one day to have what will resemble a small petting zoo, has a fondness for dying her hair the colors of the rainbow, and an obsession with Doctor Who.